A Day In The Life Of Jacques

For the past few days, Alan has been away in England. In his absence, Viv has had plenty of time to lavish attention on the most important member of the Divewise team: Jacques!


ImageAnd sheImage‘s not the only one spoiling him. Jacques is a firm favourite with all who meet him, and is frequently brought breakfast treats: spicy sausage, chicken, ham and cheese being the more popular choices!

Ever appreciative, Jacques never leaves a crumb.

Was that nice?


The morning passes with Jacques causing general mischief around the office. He always makes time for a quick cuddle with his beloved mum, before moving on to the more important business of the morning …Cuddles!


He’s always happy to welcome visitors, whether it be with a bark hello, or cuddles, and often leaps up to meet them at the door. Especially if they’ve got some tasty treats to give him!


He often displays magpie-tendencies and will take anything back to his treaure trove / basket. Viv’s hairbrush became his favourite new chew toy yesterday, and when Ria wasn’t looking, he nabbed a container from the cupboard!

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He loves to be made a fuss of, and Viv often treats him to a well-earned cuddle or scratch. Who could resist those big, puppy eyes?


He loves to take naps …


… but only when he can see his mum!


And when Alan returned, he showed just how much he’d missed him with lots more cuddles 🙂

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If only we could all have a life like Jacques!

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